I started in 1987 volunteered in First Inc Outpatient Dept, from there I eventually moved up to working in the agency Flagship Residential program called First Academy as primary counselor and was trained by the staff. First Academy at that time was A Co-Ed program program 18-24 months. I after several years and the program transitioned to all male facility, and the Women were housed in the Womens residential program located on Hamilton Sttaff Things were happening fast and I was promoted to Asst Director in 1994.
There were issues at Women’s Program I was asked to help stabilize the program by Ms Karen Pressman The Clinical Director. I then became Interim Facility Director of the Womens Program during the day and in evening I functioned as Asst Director of Mens Residential Program. This was EYE OPENING for me being between these two programs. It was opening me up to the significant factors impacting the women and the men. We were able to stabize the Womens program with the help of Ms Pressman who was always there to help and support our efforts along with the Women staff who eventually rallied to get the program on good secure footing and we were able to name the House ,”The Womens Circle and the House was named the BILLY HOLIDAY HOUSE.
I went back to Mens program and after about a year was involved in First AIDS Project I was asked to take reins of The Moses Saunders Center named after Moses Saunders who was instrumental in Treatment on Demand and AIDS outreach During The AIDS epidemic.
First Inc was taken over by Harvard St Neighborhood Health Center. Moses Saunders Center was mainly doing Outpatient Counseling for residential Programs and the AIDs outreach program during the late 90’s. I was also involved with The First Youth Program out of Moses Saunders Center working with and involved with some of our At-risk youth at that time.
Harvard St eventually lost the programs and an agency from Chicago came in to help save and stabilize the residential programs. I was asked to be the Human Resource manager for our Boston programs. For the Corporate office in Chicago along with Leah Randolph who was the Boston Director of the programs and Vernard Wade who did our Data Entry for The Program.
After a year the program all suffered with the Economic collapse of 2008 and programs all lost funding.
I was working with an housing agency called HomeStart and continued working with clients that had Sub Abuse issues and needed followup..
I am currently on the Board of Torchlight Recovery keeping the fight going. With all my different hats I had I wouldn’t trade it for anything else and it has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. Some of the brightest and most artistic, and gifted people I met came through these programs I thank God for using me to give me great purpose in my life!!!!!