
Nov 1st & 2nd


Roxbury Community College


ABOUT MBAC / what we do

The Massachusetts Black Alcohol and Addictions  Council, MBAC, is a state chapter of the National Black Alcohol and Addictions Council (NBAC), based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. NBAC was organized over 30 years ago to address alcoholism and addiction in people of African ancestry. Over the years NBAC through its State Chapters, such as Massachusetts has addressed how substance use disorders, addictions, mental health, and HIV/AIDS have impacted, homelessness, criminality, health, legal system, social justice, poverty amongst other areas in adults, youth, families, and communities through the Black Addictions Institute (BAI).  State chapters learn from national trends with a focus on their respective state issues.

MBAC is a 501c3, while  based in Boston, serves all of Massachusetts.


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ABOUT THE CONFERENCE / topics for discussion

The Massachusetts BAI 2022 will address local and national information regarding alcoholism and addiction in demonstrated culturally specific treatment, the impact of COVID on our community, reentry, the disproportionate number of  deaths  in Black and Brown people. It will provide an in-depth perspective at how opioids look different in the Black community and gaps in services for people impacted by SUDs. Presenters are National and local experts, some with lived experiences, others are physicians, psychiatrist ,formerly incarcerated, exonerees,  lawyers, counselors, youth, and Judges will speak on interventions and lessons learned from research and current technology’s impact. The BAI will explore these issues and more through the lens of four generations from a Black perspective. As a closing, we will conduct, “Soulful Conversations©”  which will review and discuss needed services, prevention, treatment, and harm reduction strategies in communities of Black and Brown people based on what stood out for  participants during the BAI to serve as a guide to MBACs next steps, plans and future Institutes.

After attending our BAI’s practitioners, state agencies and providers pause, stop, and  revisit the services they deliver.  As one of our presenter states, “They deliver what they want and never ask what we need.” It’s an exciting and powerful event, that you don’t want to miss!


Conference or Event Schedule / coming soon

Event Sponsors / our gracious partners

Event Location

DAY1: Roxbury Community College
1234 Columbus Avenue, MA 02120
DAY2: Reggie Lewis Center
1350 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02120

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