Presiding: Susan James- Andrews, President James-Andrews & Associates, MBAC/BAI Consultant
A Call to Action: Returning to our Traditional Greatness
Revolving Think Tank- Soulful Conversations
Recommendations for addressing treatment and prevention needs for people of African Ancestry –
Soulful Conversation 1: Criminal Justice /Social Justice/Access to diversion/Recovery Courts/Reentry, Law Enforcement/Funding opportunities. Facilitators: Susan James-Andrews, Mark Muhammad, Tim Jeffries, Termaine J. Hicks, Recorder: Malik Ruffin, Thomika Bridwell, Mason Andrews
Soulful Conversation 2: Treatment, Substance Use Disorders, Addiction, and Mental Health – Access, culturally specific services, Black providers access to Federal & State funding -being at the table for discussions-treatment in the community, Competent trainers, curriculum development, sustainability- Facilitators: Leah Randolph, David A. Lewis Sr., Angela Reed, David Avery. Recorders: Laila Staples, Thommie Bridwell
Soulful Conversation 3: Homelessness, Education, Housing, Food desserts, Health, Traditional services, community advocacy, prevention, Black Family Faith community, Facilitators: Nia Imani, Melissa Brooks, Stephenie Jackson-Wilson Recorder: TJ Bridwell, Cherie Staples